OFFLINE  VS  EXAM !


1. when classes are held online 

         why be so adamant that exams be held in a room? with covid-19 making come back is it safe hold offline exams foe 10th 12th ? mumbai, pune, nasik are seeing students protests reason because on 26th march, in one day 36,902 new cases this is higher that the new cases per day peak in september. when there were 100 cases we shut down schools & colleges and when we are seeing a second wave in the country. we are planning conducting offline exams in the state this blogger is not to blame anyone .we want to start a solution oriented discussion and to make sure students voices reach the authorities, teachers and the parents . if you think this blogger makes sense then please share it bringing topics important to india in an easy to understand. 

2.  A  RECAP OF 2020 

 let us rewind to one year ago last year around this time. we realized that covid-19 was no ordinary illness. a nationwide lockdown was annouced this lockdown caused a migrant crisis and also led to an eaconomic crisis. at that time,when there were 1,000 cases per day then maharashtra board SSC exam 2020 postponed due to covid, going to schools and colleges and gathering in crowded spots was not safe and online lectures were also conducted.

 👉 Were we ready to take online lectures nationwide ? NO 

👉Did the teachers have the right tools to teach ? NO

👉 And did the students have the right tools to learn ? NO

but, that time we gave public health more importance eduction. which perhaps was the right decision at that point of time.


this decision created some practical problems too it's not necessary that every 10th std students has a personal phone or laptop for them to attend all online lectures. it's not necessary  that the teachers get enough time to solve all doubts and queries in such a situation and it gave birth to a legitimate question.

 if we can study online then why can't we give exams  online we 're not only ones asking this question last year's global teachers prize winner ranjitsinh  disale is also asking the same question. students are scared of offline exams after one whole year of online studies. if we can modify our teaching methods why can't we modify our evaluation too?  he gave an example of his own teaching methods.

 where he  gauges a student's understanding through projects more than marks, he focuses on core subject knowledge UK has also been badly affected covid -19 they declared that taking exams. the usual way is unfair they changed their assessment to ensure. there was no gap in the students's education they chose internal assessment for this extraordinary time.

 students were evaluated based on internal assessments authorities say taking online exams is not possible because every students dose not have a mobile or a laptop but, if schools and colleges were shut all year round and students were deprived of basic online technology how are they expected to study all year round anyway ? that means our authorities are assuming this that students have technology to study all year round but don't have the technology to give the exams. online we don't need to think about what is impossible we know the limitations and what is impossible but we need to think about what is necessary.


 Diniesh, sir is a reputed teacher who has spoken a lot about this issue he took an online survey of over 1.5 lakh people in the survey, 120,000+ people chose the option that the present examination patterns need to be changes studying in such a situation is becoming so difficult that many students are willing to take a drop.  this pressure will carry forward to the next year we know all about this on going situation but are we going to pretend that there is no problem ? are we going to assume that all these children are faking it ? or are we going to go one step forward and try to figure out some solution to this problem ? 


lets us discuss some practical solutions. the CBSE board has increased the gap between papers as a relief. you can see the minimum gap is 3 to 4 days between papers and this gap is higher for tougher papers those who want to give offline exams should and be allowed to and the exam centres. should be of the student's and important students and their families must have some health insurance cover.covid -19 has become a part of our daily life now we will need to pro active there needs to be a permanent solution to exam for the long term. it touches on how cheating can be stopped in exams  and discusses solutions to make technology accessible to all.

 TCS ion remote assessments uses all for making exams fool proof and can stop cheating using eye tracking during the exam. the new education policy mandates a 6% budget spend on education this is only on paper but it dose not get reflected in our budgetary allocation budget 2021 allocated 2.63% for schools & higher education.

                                           👉 A message for students & parents 👈

last year was an extra -ordinary year as much as we say don't stress about 10th/12th marks the students giving the exam knows the pressure as a parent, please put some faith on your child please stop comparing them with other students.

                                                          👉 conclusion 👈

Because teachers, parents and the authorities need to trust the students at least conversation need to begin somewhere. students can only focus on studies when they don't stress.we can't understand why exams are prioritized over getting a good education. every single time 99% people only want to see revolutionary thoughts in movies but only 1% have the mental capabilities to accept change and making you a part of that 1% makes a difference to me ! 

                                                           🙏  share the truth 🙏


Rum Tan said…
Schools were open, are now close, students studying in school are now studying at home. yes, nowadays suffering from mental pressure. I am an engineering student, classes used to be conducted in online mode but out of 5 modules, even 2 modules were not completed. If it is a fact how did they pass the exam Most of the students who are conducting the exam in offline mode fail this semester. Online Exams are easy for the students to clear and they get passed easily. Nowadays students will find many such online websites re-applications on the internet which can help them a lot. Thanks for sharing this!

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